Skeleton Bucket

Skeleton Bucket Constructed for Durability & Performance

  • Side Wearing Balls design for longlife working and wear-resistance
  • replaceable double cutting edge
  • Strong Welding for bars with inner wall
  • Extended and reinforced lip
  • Side plate protection pin-on, removable pins
  • Q345, Q460, WH60, NM400, Hardox400 Materials Available

Skeleton Bucket Dimension & Specification

Model No.SB01SB02SB03SB04SB05
Pin dia(mm)455060/658090/100
Ears Distance(mm)170220260340390
Pin to Pin Center(mm)260310360465530
Suitable Carriers(ton)4-66-812-1820-2425-36

Several different Bucket styles are available — each with a special purpose.

Ditch Cleaning

These buckets are designed for cleaning ditches, sloping, grading and other finish work. Their shallow depth and compact size make working in confined areas easier. Drainage holes allow liquid to empty so material dumps more easily.

Tilt Bucket

Excavator tilting bucket really increase productivity because they provide up to 45 degrees slope left or right. When sloping, trenching, grading, or ditch cleaning, control is fast and positive, so you get the right slope on the first cut.

Thumb Bucket

The wide opening width is light in weight, which maximizes the operating efficiency and is light in weight.

Clamshell Bucket

Clamshell bucket is best for dredging and material re-handling. Regardless of the versions, these equipment pieces feature a 360-degree sealed rotation. Recommended Application: commonly used in dredging, excavation, or material handling.

Skeleton Bucket

Excavator skeleton bucket is great for sifting out rocks in soil, effectively mining and sorting rock and removing other debris without the soil. It is available in many different sizes, widths, and even custom rib spacing configurations, too.

Reliable & Durable Excavator's Attachments Manufacturer

We have a wealthy selection of attachment products to match your different equipment and work needs. All attachments are made by us with years of research and development and supply chain management optimization, so you are in the right place to select the best quality and cost-effective attachment products.

Our attachments are durable, cost-effective, versatile. Faith Equipment delivers the performance, comfort and power to take on the most challenging projects, helping your business profitable and your customers succeed.