Popular steel plates choice and comparation for Severe Buckets

The most popular steel plates for severe buckets are:

  • Hardox 450 is a high-strength, wear-resistant steel that is ideal for severe-duty applications. It has a Brinell hardness of 450 HBW and is twice as hard as mild steel. Hardox 450 is also very ductile, which makes it resistant to impact and cracking.
  • T1 is a high-strength, quenched and tempered steel that is also used for severe-duty applications. It has a Brinell hardness of 380-430 HBW and is more affordable than Hardox 450. However, T1 is not as wear-resistant as Hardox 450 and may require more frequent maintenance.
  • Domex 690 is a high-strength structural steel that is often used for the sides and bottom of severe buckets. It has a Brinell hardness of 340-380 HBW and is more affordable than Hardox 450 or T1. However, Domex 690 is not as wear-resistant as Hardox 450 or T1 and may require more frequent maintenance.

Comparison of Hardox 450, T1, and Domex 690:

Property Hardox 450 T1 Domex 690
Brinell hardness (HBW) 450 380-430 340-380
Wear resistance Excellent Good Fair
Impact resistance Good Good Fair
Affordability Expensive Moderate Affordable

The best steel plate for your severe bucket will depend on your specific needs and budget. If you need a bucket that is extremely wear-resistant and can handle the most demanding applications, Hardox 450 is the best choice. If you are on a tighter budget, T1 or Domex 690 may be a better option.

Here are some additional things to consider when choosing a steel plate for your severe bucket:

  • The type of material you will be handling. If you will be handling extremely abrasive materials, such as rocks and gravel, you will need a steel plate that is very wear-resistant, such as Hardox 450. If you will be handling less abrasive materials, such as dirt and sand, you may be able to get away with a less wear-resistant steel plate, such as T1 or Domex 690.
  • The size and weight of your bucket. If you need a large or heavy bucket, you will need a steel plate that is strong and durable. Hardox 450 is a good choice for large and heavy buckets because it is both strong and wear-resistant.
  • Your budget. Hardox 450 is the most expensive steel plate, but it is also the most wear-resistant. T1 and Domex 690 are more affordable options, but they are not as wear-resistant as Hardox 450.

It is important to consult with a bucket manufacturer to determine the best steel plate for your specific needs.

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